.htaccess Creator - NetGuides.eu

NetGuides - serving the internet community

Default Page

What page to load if the user doesn't specify any (usually index.html or index.php)
Directory Index Can specify multiple in a list (ie index.php index.html index.htm default.htm)


execute CGI programs

File Extensions

Execution of CGI scripts using mod_cgi is permitted.
include files (SSI) or without #exec
file extension
Server-side includes provided by mod_include are permitted.
Follow Symbolic Links The server will follow symbolic links in this directory.
Follow Symbolic Links if owner matches The server will only follow symbolic links for which the target file or directory is owned by the same user id as the link.
Indexes If a URL which maps to a directory is requested, and there is no DirectoryIndex (e.g., index.html) in that directory, then mod_autoindex will return a formatted listing of the directory.
Content Negotiation (MultiViews) Content negotiated "MultiViews" are allowed using mod_negotiation.
Force SSL
SSL Domain
Force HTTP requests to redirect HTTPS


Deny by default
Require valid username
All if user OR ip matches
Area Name
User Authentication
path to users file
Group Authentication
path to groups file
Allowed Users
Allowed Groups
Allowed IP addresses (wildcards and names allowed)
Blocked IP addresses (wildcards and names allowed)

Additional Mime Types
File extension to mime type mappings are in this format

mime/type ext

for example

text/html html
application/x-gzip gz

Protect System Files

Protect .htaccess and user and group files
Additional files to protect

File Cache Control

Specify File Cache TimeHow often will the client/proxy refresh the file
Modification BasedExpire all clients/proxies at the same time
Cache Time


Protect Media Files On:
Allowed Domain:
Check the referrer domain for images, music, and sound files
Block E-mail Harvesters On:
Page to server:
Deny access to e-mail harvesting programs.
Time-Dependant Page On:
Page Name :
Daytime Starts :
Daytime Ends :
Daytime Page :
Nighttime Page :
Serve pages depending on time of day
Virtual DNS to Folder On:
Base Domain: Path to Folders:
Rewrite Virtual Subdomains to subfolders. Ie: rewrite www.foo.domain.com to www.domain.com/subdomains/foo. Useful for virtual user domains.
Redirect Failing URLs To Other Webserver On:
Secondary Server:
When a URL is invalid, or would produce an error, redirect to a secondary server.

Rewrite Condition

Rewrite Page

Page Name :
Page requested in the URL
Browser Dependant Page
Netscape Page Page to use for Netscape
IE Page Page to use for IE
Page for Lynx Page to use for text mode
Default Page Page to use for other browsers
Country Specific Page
Requires the mod_geoip is setup and configured on your server. Thought the software is free, the datafiles are a commercial product. Allows you to redirect users to specific pages depending on their country of origin.
Country Code US = United States GB = United Kingdom CA = Canada MX = Mexico FR = France NL = Netherlands A1 = Anonymous
Country Specific URL page to redirect visitors from the country (index.us.html or index.fr.html)

Map Folder To Script

This trick will make it possible to run a script that has parameters in the URL. You can make a custom home page script for your users that they can access like /login/home.html or /login/preferences.html and have them both go to login.php.
Folder NameFolder you will reference in your href and urls (ie login)
Script NameScript that will be ran (ie login.php, login.cgi, or login.pl) If you would like the rest of the path as a POST variable, do something like "login.php?page="

Custom Error Documents

Allows you to specify custom documents to serve on error conditions
Error 400 Bad Request
Error 401 Authentication Required
Error 403 Forbidden
Error 404 Not Found
Error 500 Server Error
Use this option if a document has been moved to a new url. It will take care of automatic redirection for the user.
Redirect Moved Document
Moved Document